
Screed Supplier Or Concrete Company- What Should Be The Ideal Choice!

Screed Supplier Or Concrete Company- What Should Be The Ideal Choice!
Thu, 24/Feb/2022

Before we embark on a debate between better concrete and onsite mixed screed, we first need to know about each of the two and their usage. Concrete mix is used for laying the base or foundation of a building. On the other hand, a screed supplier offers supplies that are used for the topmost layer and a smooth finishing. With that being said, let us dig deeper into the difference between concrete and onsite mixed cement.

. As mentioned earlier, onsite mixed cement is for the finishing touch. It is for smoothing the surface of the concrete. This can be most commonly seen for floors. While,some choose to keep the bare concrete for the outer wall, giving it a rough texture on the outside.

. Screed is a mixture of cement, sharp sand, and water, with the ratio of the sand being 3-5 parts of the cement quantity. At the same time, concrete is a mixture of the bulk of cement, aggregate, and water. The coarse nature of aggregates gives concrete an uneven surface.

. Though concrete has a coarse finish, it is designed to be durable. This is why it is used mainly for building a foundation. After the foundation has been made, you will need to have an onsite mix screed finishing, which gives the floor on the construction a smoother surface. Remember, supplies from a screed supplier can only be used for flooring, not as a base.

. Concrete mix can be poured easily due to its wetter consistency. On the other hand, onsite mix screed can not be called wet but a semi-dry mixture. Due to the condense nature of concrete, it is best for the base, but the surface will be pretty rough.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Onsite Mix Screed ?

As mentioned before, the screed mixture from the best screed supplier is for the finishing touch, and it does not go into the entire building process. Hence, in its rights, an onsite screed mixture can be pretty beneficial for a good many things, giving you enough reason to at least think about it.

. Ready-made screed mixture is quite popular in building construction, and the market has plenty of supply for it. Other than that, fresh onsite mixes do not require much of a hectic job to create.

. Another thing about a ready-made mixture from a screed supplier is that it has the remarkable quality of not hardening during the transition. This is because it may often contain added admixes to prevent such an outcome.

. The option for a ready-made screed mixture is even more alluring due to its convenience of acquiring the mix whenever you want. Its affordable cost structure also complements this.

. However, if you go for the fresh onsite screed mixtures, it can reduce the cost. As it can be made instantly and used immediately, you may not require admixes for softening the mixture.


There can be no reason for debating between concrete and onsite screed mixtures as both have a different purpose to follow. They both are used one after the other to make the modern structure of most modern buildings. Connect with the best screed supplier in London and give your project a dream finish!